What is a coaching session like?

In a session we may

  • Work together to uncover your story and share it effectively, ensuring it resonates with your ideal clients.
  • Tailor your business to fit your dream lifestyle, whether that’s working as you travel or spending more time with family.
  • Define your brand values to guide your marketing and sales strategies.
  • Overcome barriers such as limiting beliefs, perfectionism, and people-pleasing by tapping into your inner wisdom for aligned action.
  • Integrate your various passions and gifts into a unified brand that targets a specific niche.

Each session is customized to meet your unique needs as a business owner or creator.

cindy gordon dressed in all black, smiling at a client during a business coaching session

I recognize that each business is unique, and your business should support your individual lifestyle. Therefore, clients can select the topics they wish to focus on more deeply to receive tailored feedback and guidance.

My coaching is a good fit for a woman who:

is prepared to embrace not only a new approach to business but also a transformative way of living.

is eager to master the art of balancing professional demands with personal well-being to thrive in both areas.

is looking to build a resilient and adaptable business framework that aligns with her evolving life goals.

understands that her goals are within reach, but seeks supportive guidance to achieve them more swiftly and effortlessly.

Whether you’re just starting or leveling up your entrepreneurial journey, it can be both exciting and overwhelming. You need more than just a coach; you need a confidant who truly understands your dreams and the challenges you face. That’s where I come in.

Think of me as your business bestie—the one who’ll cheer you on, keep it real, and make sure you’re not only reaching for your dreams but actually grabbing them!

I’ve had the privilege of working with women across various niches, each with a unique and inspiring story. My role is to help you discover your own story, embrace it, and weave it into the fabric of your business. Whether you’re just starting out and need help organizing your thoughts and formulating a plan, or you’re an established business owner ready to take things to the next level but unsure where to begin, I’m here for you. If your business has hit a plateau, I can help you push through and regain momentum. Sometimes, all you might need is a business bestie to share ideas with and someone to keep you accountable—and I’m excited to be that for you!

Behind every successful woman is herself.

Own your power, lead with vision, and write your own success story.

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